
A Swarm of Swimming Robots to Search for Life Under the Ice on Europa

When Galileo pointed his telescope at Jupiter 400 years ago, he saw three blobs of light around the giant planet,…

3 years ago

The End is Near: NASA’s MESSENGER Now Running on Fumes

For more than four years NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft has been orbiting our solar system's innermost planet Mercury, mapping its surface and…

10 years ago

SpaceX Could Launch 17 Rockets in 2015, Including the Most Powerful Rocket Since Saturn V

If all goes as hoped, SpaceX will have a very busy 2015. The commercial space company could launch as many…

10 years ago

Making the Trip to Mars Cheaper and Easier: The Case for Ballistic Capture

When sending spacecraft to Mars, the current, preferred method involves shooting spacecraft towards Mars at full-speed, then performing a braking…

10 years ago

ESA’s Gaia Mission Launches to Map the Milky Way

Early this morning, at 09:12 UTC, the cloudy pre-dawn sky above the coastal town of Kourou, French Guiana was brilliantly…

11 years ago

An Unexpected Ending for Deep Impact

After almost 9 years in space that included an unprecedented July 4th impact and subsequent flyby of a comet, an…

11 years ago

Endgame: GRAIL Spacecraft to Slam into Lunar Crater Rim on December 17

The GRAIL mission will come to a dramatic end on Monday as the two spacecraft will be commanded to crash…

12 years ago

Curiosity Finds Evidence of An Ancient Streambed on Mars

NASA's Curiosity rover found evidence for an ancient, flowing stream on Mars at a few sites, including the rock outcrop…

12 years ago

NuSTAR Successfully Deploys Huge Mast

Nine days after launch -- and right on schedule -- the newest space mission has deployed its unique mast, giving…

13 years ago

The End Of Envisat

[/caption] Well, it's official. After ten years of groundbreaking observation of our planet, ESA has declared the end of the…

13 years ago