Space Exploration

ESA is Building its Own Lunar Lander

It seems everyone is talking about the Moon and everyone wants to get their foot in the door with the…

6 days ago

The Cosmos is Waiting for us to Explore. But we Should Choose our Path Wisely.

If you were Captain of the first USS Enterprise, where would you go!? Humanity is on the cusp of reaching…

1 month ago

This Superbacteria can Withstand Enough Radiation to Kill a Person

Nature is filled with examples of extreme life (aka. extremophiles), which are so-called because they can withstand extreme conditions. These…

1 month ago

If We Want to Live on Other Worlds, We're Going to Need New Clocks

Between NASA, other space agencies, and the commercial space sector, there are some truly ambitious plans for humanity's future in…

1 month ago

Using an Oil Industry Framework to Map Space Resources

Cracking the chicken-and-egg problem of utilizing resources in space has been a difficult challenge for over half a century. Getting…

1 month ago

Archaeology On Mars: Preserving Artifacts of Our Expansion Into the Solar System

In 1971, the Soviet Mars 3 lander became the first spacecraft to land on Mars, though it only lasted a…

2 months ago

Project Hyperion is Seeking Ideas for Building Humanity’s First Generation Ship

The dream of traversing the depths of space and planting the seed of human civilization on another planet has existed…

3 months ago

A Trash Compactor is Going to the Space Station

Astronauts on the International Space Station generate their share of garbage, filling up cargo ships that then deorbit and burn…

3 months ago

China Unveils its Lunar Spacesuit

China have a roadmap to sent astronauts to the Moon in 2030 and when they do, they are going with…

4 months ago

What Does a Trip to Mars Do to the Brain?

It’s not long before a conversation about space travel is likely to turn to the impact on the human body.…

4 months ago