
More Than Half of Near Earth Objects Could Be “Dark Comets”

Next time you're visiting the seaside or a large lake, or even sipping a frosty glass of water, think about…

1 week ago

A Weather Satellite Watched a Space Rock Burn Up Above Spain and Portugal

It's been a momentous May for skywatchers around the world. First the big auroral event of May 10-11, next a…

2 months ago

Someone Just Found SOHO's 5,000th Comet

The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) was designed to examine the Sun, but as a side benefit, it has been…

4 months ago

Comets: Why study them? What can they teach us about finding life beyond Earth?

Universe Today has explored the importance of studying impact craters, planetary surfaces, exoplanets, astrobiology, and solar physics, and what this…

5 months ago

A Star Passed Through the Oort Cloud Less Than 500,000 Years Ago. It Wasn’t the Only One.

As stars in the Milky Way move through space, some of them have an unexpected effect on the Solar System.…

5 months ago

Some of the Moon's Craters are From Interstellar Impacts. Can We Tell Which?

By discovering two interstellar objects (ISOs), we know that asteroids and comets from other star systems pass through the Solar…

9 months ago

JWST Finds a Comet Still Holding Onto Water in the Main Asteroid Belt

Comets are instantly recognizable by their tails of gas and dust. Most comets originate in the far, frozen reaches of…

1 year ago

Here's How NASA is Planning to Protect Earth From Asteroids and Comets

The large impact craters dotting our planet are powerful reminders that asteroids and comets strike the Earth from time to…

1 year ago

Why Does ‘Oumuamua Follow Such a Bizarre Orbit? Hydrogen Outgassing

Nothing excites space enthusiasts like a good alien mystery. The interstellar visitor 'Oumuamua presented one as it moved through the…

1 year ago

Spectacular Images of the Rare ‘Green Comet’ Gracing Our Skies

A rare ‘green’ comet is passing through our Solar System and astrophotographers have been out capturing photos. While this comet,…

2 years ago