
Astronomers Have Tools That Can Help Detect Deepfake Images

There's a burgeoning arms race between Artificial Intelligence (AI) deepfake images and the methods used to detect them. The latest…

2 days ago

The Space Station Now Has Blisteringly Fast Internet

NASA’s Space Communications and Navigation programme (SCaN) has demonstrated the first two way end-to-end laser relay system, deployed through an…

4 weeks ago

Making Rocket Fuel Out of Lunar Regolith

In the coming years, NASA and other space agencies plan to extend the reach of human exploration. This will include…

4 weeks ago

Could We Put Data Centers In Space?

Artificial intelligence has taken the world by storm lately. It also requires loads of band-end computing capability to do the…

1 month ago

A New Way to Survive the Harsh Lunar Night

The Moon is a tough place to survive, and not just for humans. The wild temperature extremes between day and…

1 month ago

How a Single Atomic Sensor Can Help Track Earth’s Glaciers

Earth observations are one of the most essential functions of our current fleet of satellites. Typically, each satellite specializes in…

1 month ago

Improving a 1960s Plan to Explore the Giant Planets

In the 1960s, NASA engineers developed a series of small lifting-body aircraft that could be dropped into the atmosphere of…

4 months ago

When an Object Like ‘Oumuamua Comes Around Again, We Could be Ready With an Interstellar Object Explorer (IOE)

On October 19th, 2017, astronomers with the Pann-STARRS survey observed an Interstellar Object (ISO) passing through our system - 1I/2017…

5 months ago

Watch the Varda Capsule’s Entire Fiery Atmospheric Re-Entry

Here’s a front row seat on what it would be like to return to Earth inside a space capsule. Varda…

5 months ago

Ground-Based Lasers Could Accelerate Spacecraft to Other Stars

The future of space exploration includes some rather ambitious plans to send missions farther from Earth than ever before. Beyond…

5 months ago