
Satellites are Going to Track Garbage Drifting Across the Oceans

We are all too aware of the pollution on planet Earth. There are increased amounts of plastic and garbage on…

1 month ago

Next Generation Satellites Might Skim the Atmosphere, Using Air as a Propellant

Satellites in orbit use rocket propulsion to maintain their altitude. These engines require fuel to power their chemical or ion…

1 month ago

This is an Actual Picture of Space Debris

Space debris is a growing problem, so companies are working on ways to mitigate it. A new satellite called ADRAS-J…

3 months ago

Watch a Satellite Reaction Wheel Melt in a Simulated Orbital Re-Entry

Most satellites share the same fate at the end of their lives. Their orbits decay, and eventually, they plunge through…

4 months ago

Watch a Real-Time Map of Starlinks Orbiting Earth

In an effort to enhance the educational outreach of their Starlink constellation, there is an interactive global map of their…

4 months ago

See the Dramatic Final Moments of the Doomed ERS-2 Satellite

When a satellite reaches the end of its life, it has only two destinations. It can either be maneuvered into…

5 months ago

Anti-Satellite Weapons Will Threaten Everyone’s Access to Space

It’s a headline straight out of the movies yet the White House has recently confirmed it believes that Russia is…

5 months ago

New NASA Report Suggests We Could See Space-Based Power After 2050

Space-based solar power (SBSP) has been in the news recently, with the successful test of a solar power demonstrator in…

5 months ago

NASA Launches a New Mission to Study the Effects of Climate Change

NASA's Plankton, Aerosol, Climate, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) satellite successfully launched and reached on Thursday, February 10th. The mission took off…

6 months ago

This Alien Landscape is Actually a Microscopic View of an Atomic Clock

Navigation satellites couldn't accomplish anything without extremely accurate clocks. But a regular clock won't do. Only atomic clocks are accurate…

7 months ago