Mars Science Laboratory

How Did Mars Become Uninhabitable?

Mars has captured our imagination for centuries. Ever since the invention of the telescope our imagination has often drifted toward…

2 weeks ago

Curiosity has Reached an Ancient Debris Channel That Could Have Been Formed by Water

Like a pilgrim seeking wisdom, NASA's MSL Curiosity has been working its way up Mt. Sharp, the dominant central feature…

7 months ago

Watch a Full Martian Day, From Dawn to Dusk

On November 8th, NASA's Curiosity Rover paused its incessant science work and just watched the day unfold on Mars. The…

10 months ago

Curiosity has Seen its 4,000th Martian Sunrise

Not to make anyone feel old, but it's been over 11 years since NASA's Curiosity Rover landed on Mars. The…

12 months ago

Curiosity Has Spent Three Years Trying to Reach This Spot on Mars

About three billion years ago, rushing water on Mars carried mud and boulders down a steep slope and deposited them…

1 year ago

Curiosity Sees Spectacular Crepuscular Rays in Martian Clouds

NASA's Curiosity Rover usually looks down at the ground, studying nearby rocks and craters. But sometimes, it looks up and…

2 years ago

Perseverance has Found a Nice Patch of Sandstone on Mars

NASA's rolling geology robot shared a great image of sandstone that it found on Mars in Jezero Crater. It's in…

2 years ago

Curiosity Arrives in a Salty Region of Mars. Was it Left Over From a Dying Sea?

The Curiosity rover has now reached its primary target on Mount Sharp on Mars, the mountain in the middle of…

2 years ago

Without Water and Life, Geology on Mars is Driven by the Wind

On Earth, we all know what changes our landscapes: water and wind erosion, tectonic activity, and volcanism. Today on Mars,…

2 years ago

Curiosity Finds Life-Crucial Carbon in Mars Rocks

We are carbon-based life forms. That means the basis for the chemical compounds that forms our life is the element…

2 years ago