
Lunar Gateway Will Maintain its Orbit With a 6 kW ion Engine

The ionic propulsion system that will allow the Lunar Gateway to orbit the Moon just got its first test, and…

3 years ago

The Milky Way is surrounded by a huge hot halo of gas

Our Milky Way galaxy isn't just a disk of stars and nebulae - it's surrounded by a cloud of hot,…

4 years ago

Halo Around a Pulsar could Explain Why We See Antimatter Coming from Space

Astronomers have been watching a nearby pulsar with a strange halo around it. That pulsar might answer a question that's…

5 years ago

Why Do We Sometimes See a Ring Around the Moon?

Have you ever seen a ring around the Moon in the sky and wondered what causes it? This is a…

9 years ago

Allergies? Must Be Pollen Corona Season Again

Don't be surprised if you look up in the Sun's direction and squint with itchy, watery eyes. You might be…

9 years ago

Andromeda and Milky Way Might Collide Sooner Than We Think

The merger of the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxy won't happen for another 4 billion years, but the recent discovery of…

9 years ago

The Physics Behind “Interstellar’s” Visual Effects Was So Good, it Led to a Scientific Discovery

While he was working on the film Interstellar, executive producer Kip Thorne was tasked with creating the black hole that…

10 years ago

If Pigs Could Fly – A Quick Guide to Solar Halos and Other Curiosities

Call it a porcine occultation. It took nearly a year but I finally got help from the ornamental pig in…

10 years ago

Astronomers Discover Milky Way’s Hot Halo

Artist's illustration of a hot gas halo enveloping the Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds (NASA/CXC/M.Weiss; NASA/CXC/Ohio State/A.Gupta et al.) Our…

12 years ago