
The Shelf Life of Many Medications Is Shorter Than A Round Trip To Mars

Check any container of over-the-counter medicine, and you'll see its expiration date. Prescription medicines have similar lifetimes, and we're told…

3 days ago

Astronomers Have Tools That Can Help Detect Deepfake Images

There's a burgeoning arms race between Artificial Intelligence (AI) deepfake images and the methods used to detect them. The latest…

3 days ago

Experimental Radar Technique Reveals the Composition of Titan’s Seas

The Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn generated so much data that giving it a definitive value is impossible. It's sufficient to…

1 week ago

Astronauts Struggle To Eat Their Space Food and Scientists Want to Know Why

Astronauts sometimes struggle to consume enough nutritious food on the ISS because it tastes bland. But astronaut food is of…

2 weeks ago

Black Holes Dominate Large Regions of Space, But They’re Mysterious

In the beginning, the Universe was all primordial gas. Somehow, some of it was swept up into supermassive black holes…

3 weeks ago

Alpha Centauri Could Have a Super Jupiter in Orbit

The three-body problem is one of Nature's thorniest problems. The gravitational interactions and resulting movements of three bodies are notoriously…

4 weeks ago

Growing Black Holes Have Much in Common With Baby Stars

First looks would tell most observers that supermassive black holes (SMBHs) and very young stars have nothing in common. But…

1 month ago

Lake Shorelines on Titan are Shaped by Methane Waves

Distant Titan is an oddball in the Solar System. Saturn's largest moon—and the second largest in the entire Solar System—has…

1 month ago

Perseverance Found Some Strange Rocks. What Will They Tell Us?

NASA's Perseverance Rover has left Mount Washburn behind and arrived at its next destination, Bright Angel. It found an unusual…

1 month ago

Warp Drives Could Generate Gravitational Waves

Will future humans use warp drives to explore the cosmos? We're in no position to eliminate the possibility. But if…

1 month ago