
Curiosity’s Other Important Job: Studying Martian Clouds

MSL Curiosity is primarily a rockhound. It's at Gale Crater, examining the rocks there and on Mt. Sharp, which sits…

4 days ago

Temperamental Stars are Messing With Our Exoplanet Efforts

We have the transit method to thank for the large majority of the exoplanets we've discovered. When an exoplanet transits…

6 days ago

How Hydrogen Kept Early Mars Warm

Mars haunts us as a vision of a planet gone wrong. It was once warm and wet, with rivers flowing…

3 weeks ago

How Well Could Earth Life Survive on Exoplanets

Astronomers have found some pretty wild exoplanets. Some are balls of lava the temperature of hell, one is partially made…

3 weeks ago

Drone Test Flights Are Being Tested for Flights on Alien Worlds

We’ve already seen the success of the Ingenuity probe on Mars. The first aircraft to fly on another world set…

2 months ago

Uranus is Getting Colder and Now We Know Why

Uranus is an oddball among the Solar System's planets. While most planets' axis of rotation is perpendicular to their orbital…

3 months ago

Millions of Phones Could Map the Earth’s Ionosphere

We are all familiar with the atmosphere of the Earth and part of this, the ionosphere, is a layer of…

3 months ago

Lessons From Ancient Earth’s Atmosphere: From Hostile to Hospitable

Will we ever understand how life got started on Earth? We've learned much about Earth's long, multi-billion-year history, but a…

3 months ago

Good News, the Ozone Layer Hole is Continuing to Shrink

Climate change is a huge topic and often debated across the world. We continue to burn fossil fuels and ignore…

3 months ago

Webb Reveals a Steam World Planet Orbiting a Red Dwarf

The JWST has found an exoplanet unlike any other. This unique world has an atmosphere almost entirely composed of water…

4 months ago