How Long Does It Take to Get to Pluto?

It's a long way out to the dwarf planet Pluto. So, just how fast could we get there? Pluto, the…

9 years ago

10 Interesting Facts About Volcanoes

Want some volcano facts? Here are 10 interesting facts about volcanoes. Some of these facts you'll know, and others may…

9 years ago

Why Don’t We Search for Different Life?

If we really want to find life on other worlds, why do we keep looking for life based on carbon…

9 years ago

Weekly Space Hangout – February 27, 2015: In Memory of Leonard Nimoy

Host: Fraser Cain (@fcain) Guests: Morgan Rehnberg ( / @MorganRehnberg ) (more…)

9 years ago

Orbital ATK Aims for March 2016 Antares Rocket Launch Restart with New Engines

The newly merged company Orbital ATK is aiming to restart launches of their “upgraded Antares” rocket in March 2016 using…

9 years ago

Interesting Facts About Venus

Venus was once considered a twin to Earth, as it's roughly the same size and is relatively close to our…

9 years ago

25 Years Since Voyager’s ‘Pale Blue Dot’ Images

A quarter of a century has passed since NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft snapped the iconic image of Earth known as…

9 years ago

A Star Passed Through the Solar System Just 70,000 Years Ago

Astronomers have reported the discovery of a star that passed within the outer reaches of our Solar System just 70,000…

9 years ago