Reusable Rockets Could Fly Back to Their Launch Sites With Wings

A study supported by the French Space Agency describes a "reusability kit" that will make any first stage booster retrievable.

2 years ago

Germany is Building a Tiny Rover That Will Roam the Surface of Phobos

Japan's Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) will include a Phobos exploration rover provided by the French and German space agencies.

2 years ago

NASA’s InSight Lander Approved for 2018 Mars Launch

Top NASA managers have formally approved the launch of the agency’s InSight Lander to the Red Planet in the spring…

8 years ago

InSight Mars Lander Saved from Termination, Reset to 2018 Blastoff

The Insight Mars lander has been saved from mission termination and will live to launch another day two years from…

9 years ago

SpaceX Launching NASA Jason-3 Ocean Surveillance Satellite Jan. 17; with Barge Rocket Landing – Watch Live

The joint NASA-European ocean surveillance satellite named Jason-3 is poised for blastoff from SpaceX’s California launch pad on Sunday, Jan.…

9 years ago

2016 Launch of NASA’s InSight Mars Lander Postponed Due to Instrument Vacuum Leak

NASA managers have just made the difficult but unavoidable decision to scrub the planned March 2016 launch of the InSight…

9 years ago

Spotting Asterix: France Marks 50 Years of Space Exploration

Author's note: In the wake of the November 13th terrorist attacks, the French Space Agency CNES canceled the celebration of…

9 years ago

NASA’s Journey to Mars Ramps Up with InSight, Key Tests Pave Path to 2016 Lander Launch

NASA’s ‘Journey to Mars’ is ramping up significantly with ‘InSight’ - as the agency’s next Red Planet lander has now…

10 years ago

5 Landing Site Candidates Selected for Rosetta’s Historic Philae Comet Lander

Five candidate sites were identified on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko for Rosetta’s Philae lander. The approximate locations of the five regions are…

10 years ago

Rosetta Moving Closer to Comet 67P Hunting for Philae Landing Site Animation Caption: Possible landing sites on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The model shows the illumination of the comets surface and regions…

10 years ago