solar storms

Solar Storms Might Confuse Whale Navigation, and Make Them More Likely to Strand Themselves

The Gray Whale is the 10th largest creature alive today, and the 9 creatures larger than it are all whales,…

5 years ago

ESA is Considering a Mission to Give Advanced Warnings of Solar Storms

The Sun is not exactly placid, though it appears pretty peaceful in the quick glances we can steal with our…

5 years ago

The ESA’s Solar Orbiter, a Mission That Will Chart the Unexplored Polar Regions of the Sun, Just Launched!

The ESA's Solar Orbiter launched earlier today on its five-year mission to study the Sun, which scientists hope will lead…

5 years ago

Destructive Super Solar Storms Hit Us Every 25 Years Or So

Solar storms powerful enough to wreak havoc on electronic equipment strike Earth every 25 years, according to a new study.…

5 years ago

Space Weather Forecasts can now give Satellites One Whole Day of Warning when a Killer Solar Storm is Inbound

Earth's fleet of satellites is in a vulnerable position. When solar activity increases, high-energy particles are directed toward Earth. Our…

5 years ago

Plans for a Modular Martian Base that Would Provide its own Radiation Shielding

At this year's AIAA Space and Astronautics Forum and Exposition, engineer Marco Peroni presented his proposal for a modular Martian…

6 years ago

Watch the Sun to Know When We’re Going to Have Killer Auroras

Scientists are getting better at predicting colorful auroras here on Earth by closely watching the behavior of the Sun.

6 years ago

How Bad Can Solar Storms Get?

Our Sun regularly pelts the Earth with all kinds of radiation and charged particles. Just how bad can these solar…

9 years ago

What’s The Fastest Way To Die In Space?

Space is a hostile environment for human beings. No part of it will permit you to survive longer than a…

10 years ago