Space Weather

High-Resolution Images of the Sun Show How Flares Impact the Solar Atmosphere

Solar flares are a fascinating thing and have a profound effect on what astronomers refer to as "space weather." These…

1 month ago

Solar Storms Could Cause Mayhem to Trains

The rail service here in the UK is often the brunt of jokes. If it’s not the wrong type of…

11 months ago

These New Computer Simulations of the Sun are Hypnotic

It's almost impossible to over-emphasize the primal, raging, natural power of a star. Our Sun may appear benign in simple…

1 year ago

Now We Know How a Solar Storm Took Out a Fleet of Starlinks

On March 23rd, sky observers marveled at a gorgeous display of northern and southern lights. It was reminder that when…

2 years ago

133 Days of the Sun’s Glory

NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center has released an hour-long time-lapse video that shows 133 days of the Sun's life. The…

2 years ago

Space Weather is an Ever-Increasing Threat to Humanity. But it’s not the Sun’s Fault, it’s Ours

Space-age technologies have made fundamental changes to the way we live our lives. Avionics allow us to fly to other…

2 years ago

What’s Being Done to Protect Astronauts From Radiation in Deep Space?

In 1982, author James Michener published his sprawling Space Race novel, Space. In it, he describes a fictional Apollo 18…

2 years ago

The Tonga Eruption Reached Space!

What a massive volcanic eruption looks like from space. The GOES-17 satellite captured images of an umbrella cloud generated by…

2 years ago

A Sun-Like Star Just Blasted out a Flare That Would be Devastating if it Happened Here

A Sun-like star over 100 light-years away experienced a massive flare and ejection that would be devastating if it happened…

3 years ago

What Would Raindrops be Like on Other Worlds?

Precipitation is much more widespread throughout that solar system than commonly assumed.  Obviously it rains water on Earth.  But it…

4 years ago