Space Weather

Solar Storms Could Cause Mayhem to Trains

The rail service here in the UK is often the brunt of jokes. If it’s not the wrong type of…

8 months ago

These New Computer Simulations of the Sun are Hypnotic

It's almost impossible to over-emphasize the primal, raging, natural power of a star. Our Sun may appear benign in simple…

1 year ago

Now We Know How a Solar Storm Took Out a Fleet of Starlinks

On March 23rd, sky observers marveled at a gorgeous display of northern and southern lights. It was reminder that when…

1 year ago

133 Days of the Sun’s Glory

NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center has released an hour-long time-lapse video that shows 133 days of the Sun's life. The…

2 years ago

Space Weather is an Ever-Increasing Threat to Humanity. But it’s not the Sun’s Fault, it’s Ours

Space-age technologies have made fundamental changes to the way we live our lives. Avionics allow us to fly to other…

2 years ago

What’s Being Done to Protect Astronauts From Radiation in Deep Space?

In 1982, author James Michener published his sprawling Space Race novel, Space. In it, he describes a fictional Apollo 18…

2 years ago

The Tonga Eruption Reached Space!

What a massive volcanic eruption looks like from space. The GOES-17 satellite captured images of an umbrella cloud generated by…

2 years ago

A Sun-Like Star Just Blasted out a Flare That Would be Devastating if it Happened Here

A Sun-like star over 100 light-years away experienced a massive flare and ejection that would be devastating if it happened…

3 years ago

What Would Raindrops be Like on Other Worlds?

Precipitation is much more widespread throughout that solar system than commonly assumed.  Obviously it rains water on Earth.  But it…

3 years ago

ESA is Considering a Mission to Give Advanced Warnings of Solar Storms

The Sun is not exactly placid, though it appears pretty peaceful in the quick glances we can steal with our…

4 years ago