Solar Storms

A Recent Solar Storm Even Had an Impact on Mars

Planet Earth is in for some amazing geomagnetic storms in the next year or so. That's because it's in a…

2 months ago

That Recent Solar Storm Was Detected Almost Three Kilometers Under the Ocean

On May 10th, 2024, people across North America were treated to a rare celestial event: an aurora visible from the…

2 months ago

Solar Max is Coming. The Sun Just Released Three X-Class Flares

The Sun is increasing its intensity on schedule, continuing its approach to solar maximum. In just over a 24-hour period…

3 months ago

How Do Superflares Get So Powerful?

We live with a star that sends out flares powerful enough to disrupt things here on Earth. Telecommunications, power grids,…

8 months ago

In 1872, a Solar Storm Hit the Earth Generating Auroras from the Tropics to the Poles

Imagine a solar storm generating auroral displays across the entire sky. No, we haven't quite seen them that strong in…

8 months ago

A Monster Solar Storm Struck Earth 14,300 Years Ago

Because of our dependence on technology, a powerful solar storm would be a catastrophe, shutting down the electrical grid and…

9 months ago

New Detailed Images of the Sun from the World’s Most Powerful Ground-Based Solar Telescope

Our Sun continues to demonstrate its awesome power in a breathtaking collection of recent images taken by the U.S. National…

1 year ago

NASA Thinks They Can Give us 30 Minutes of Warning Before a Killer Solar Storm Hits Earth

We've touched on the hazards of solar storms plenty of times in the past. We've also recently started reporting even…

1 year ago

The Sun Continues its Journey to Solar Maximum, Releasing X-Class Flares

The Sun belted out strong solar flares two days in a row, as activity ramps up toward the next Solar…

1 year ago

Astronomers See Flashes on the Sun That Could be a Sign of an Upcoming Flare

Using data from the Solar Dynamics Observatory, scientists have discovered new clues that could help predict when and where the…

1 year ago