Neutron Star

How Do Supernovae Fail?

You know what’s scarier than a supernova? A supernova that fails, imploding into a black hole, vanishing from the Universe.

8 years ago

What Are Magnetars?

Magnetars are neutron stars with massively boosted magnetic fields. How do this stellar remnants form, and what would happen if…

8 years ago

What are Quark Stars?

Astronomers have theorized there could be an intermediate stage between neutron stars and black holes called quark stars. Are they…

8 years ago

How Fast Can Stars Spin?

Stars can spin faster or slower than the Sun. What’s the fastest that’s ever been discovered, and what’s the fastest…

8 years ago

Are There Antimatter Galaxies?

One of the big mysteries in astronomy is what happened to all the antimatter? Is it possible that it’s actually…

8 years ago

Can We Now Predict When A Neutron Star Will Give Birth To A Black Hole?

New research has shed light on what the maximum amount of mass a neutron star can achieve before it collapses…

8 years ago

Andromeda’s First Spinning Neutron Star Found

Astronomers combing through data from the ESA's XMM Newton telescope have found the Andromeda Galaxy's first spinning neutron star.

8 years ago

What’s the Big Deal About the Pentaquark?

"Three quarks for Muster Mark!," wrote James Joyce in his labyrinthine fable, Finnegan's Wake. By now, you may have heard this quote -…

9 years ago

New Simulation Offers Stunning Images of Black Hole Merger

A black hole is an extraordinarily massive, improbably dense knot of spacetime that makes a living swallowing or slinging away any morsel of energy…

10 years ago

Split-Personality Pulsar Switches From Radio To Gamma-Rays

Another snapshot of our strange universe: astronomers recently caught a pulsar -- a particular kind of dense star -- switch…

10 years ago