Stellar Evolution

Stars Can Survive Their Partner Detonating as a Supernova

When a massive star dies in a supernova explosion, it's not great news for any planets or stars that happen…

1 week ago

Hubble Sees a Brand New Triple Star System

In a world that seems to be switching focus from the Hubble Space Telescope to the James Webb Space Telescope,…

2 months ago

Two Stars in a Binary System are Very Different. It's Because There Used to be Three

A beautiful nebula in the southern hemisphere with a binary star at it's center seems to break our standard models…

3 months ago

Baby Stars Discharge “Sneezes” of Gas and Dust

I’m really not sure what to call it but a ‘dusty sneeze’ is probably as good as anything. We have…

3 months ago

Astronomers See 18 Examples of Stars Getting Torn Apart by Black Holes

Black holes have always held a special fascination for me ever since I was a geeky kid looking up at…

6 months ago

Is this the Lightest Black Hole or Heaviest Neutron Star?

About 40,000 light-years away, a rapidly spinning object has a companion that's confounding astronomers. It's heavier than the heaviest neutron…

6 months ago

A Giant Star is Fading Away. But First, it Had an Enormous Eruption

About 16,000 light-years away, a massive star experienced an unusual dimming event. This can happen in binary stars when one…

7 months ago

Three Baby Stars Found at the Heart of the Milky Way

The core of our Milky Way is buzzing with stars. Recently astronomers reported that it contains at least one ancient…

8 months ago

Vampire Stars Get Help from a Third Star to Feed

Some stars are stuck in bad binary relationships. A massive primary star feeds on its smaller companion, sucking gas from…

8 months ago

Can a Dead Star Keep Exploding?

In September 2022, an automated sky survey detected what seemed to be a supernova explosion about one billion light-years away.…

8 months ago