
It Looks Like These Are All the Bright Kuiper Belt Objects We’ll Ever Find

The self-professed “Pluto Killer” is at it again. Dr. Michael Brown is now reminiscing about the good old days when…

10 years ago

2015: NASA’s Year of the Dwarf Planet

Together, the space probes Dawn and New Horizons have been in flight for a collective 17 years. One remained close…

10 years ago

NASA’s RoboSimian And Surrogate Robots

Since they were first announced in 2012, NASA has been a major contender in the DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC). This…

10 years ago

Earth May Have Lost Some Primoridial Atmosphere to Meteors

During the Hadean Eon, some 4.5 billion years ago, the world was a much different place than it is today.…

10 years ago

Old Equations Shed New Light on Quasars

There's nothing more out of this world than quasi-stellar objects or more simply - quasars. These are the most powerful and among…

10 years ago

Nearby Galaxy Holds First Ultraluminous X-Ray Source that is a Pulsar

A research team led by Caltech astronomers of Pasadena California have discovered an ultraluminous X-ray (ULX) source that is pulsating. Their…

10 years ago

Early Supermassive Black Holes First Formed as Twins

It's one of the puzzles of cosmology and stellar evolution: how did supermassive black holes get so... well, supermassive... in the…

11 years ago

Star’s Dying Gasp May Signal Black Hole’s Birth

A distinctive flash of light emanating from a dying star may make it possible for astronomers to watch a black…

11 years ago