
How Did Pluto Get Its Heart? Scientists Suggest an Answer

The most recognizable feature on Pluto is its "heart," a relatively bright valentine-shaped area known as Tombaugh Regio. How that…

2 weeks ago

Should We Send Humans to Pluto?

Universe Today has examined the potential for sending humans to Jupiter’s icy moon, Europa, the planet Venus, and Saturn’s largest…

4 months ago

An Unusual Crater on Pluto Might be a Supervolcano

Pluto with a super-cryovolcano? Why not! All the elements are there, just not in the way we normally think of…

6 months ago

Freezing Ocean Might Not Be Responsible for Cryovolcanic Flows on Pluto’s Moon, Charon

In a recent study scheduled to be published in the journal Icarus in March 2023, a team of researchers led…

1 year ago

Will Pluto finally answer, ‘Are we alone?’

We previously examined how Neptune’s largest moon, Triton, could answer the longstanding question: Are we alone? With its nitrogen geysers…

1 year ago

Charon’s Red Cap at its North Pole? We Might Have an Answer

Pluto’s largest moon, Charon, started off as a beautiful, smooth red grape until someone came along, mostly peeled it, tried…

2 years ago

Eight Missions are Getting Extensions, Most Exciting: OSIRIS-REx is Going to Asteroid Apophis

NASA has granted mission extensions to eight different planetary missions, citing the continued excellent operations of the spacecraft, but more…

2 years ago

Pluto’s Orbit is Surprisingly Close to an Unstable Zone

A new study has revealed new insights into Pluto's orbit, which is subject to a lot of chaotic perturbance over…

2 years ago

Pluto’s Surface was Shaped by Ice Volcanoes

For all of Earth's geological diversity and its long history, the planet has never had ice volcanoes. But Pluto has.…

2 years ago

Now We Know Why Pluto has These Strange Features on its Surface

After New Horizons made its close flyby of Pluto in July of 2015, scientists were astounded at the incredible closeup…

2 years ago