Star Formation

Galaxies Regulate their Own Growth so they Don’t Run Out of Star Forming Gas

Look at most spiral or barred spiral galaxies and you will see multiple regions where stars are forming. These star…

2 weeks ago

Webb Sees a Star in the Midst of Formation

Wherever the JWST looks in space, matter and energy are interacting in spectacular displays. The Webb reveals more detail in…

3 weeks ago

Merging Galaxies Make for Explosive Star Formation

The Gemini Observatory has unveiled a striking new image that shows star formation within the irregular galaxy NGC 4449. This…

4 weeks ago

The JWST Peers into the Heart of Star Formation

The James Webb Space Telescope has unlocked another achievement. This time, the dynamic telescope has peered into the heart of…

1 month ago

A Star Became 1,000 Times Brighter, and Now Astronomers Know Why

Astronomers were surprised in 1937 when a star in a binary pair suddenly brightened by 1,000 times. The pair is…

2 months ago

Binary Stars Form in the Same Nebula But Aren’t Identical. Now We Know Why.

It stands to reason that stars formed from the same cloud of material will have the same metallicity. That fact…

3 months ago

Another New Molecule Discovered Forming in Space

The list of chemicals found in space is growing longer and longer. Astronomers have found amino acids and other building…

3 months ago

Hubble Sees a Star About to Ignite

This is an image of the FS Tau multi-star system taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. The bright object at…

4 months ago

Webb Sees a Star-Forming Region Blowing Vast Bubbles

Star birth is a messy and chaotic event. Some of the process remains well hidden behind clouds of gas and…

5 months ago

This Galaxy Was Already Dead When the Universe Was Only 700 Million Years Old

When a galaxy runs out of gas and dust, the process of star birth stops. That takes billions of years.…

5 months ago