Max Planck

Who was Max Planck?

Max Planck was one of the most renowned physicists of his time, and is considered one of the greatest minds…

8 years ago

How Does Light Travel?

Since ancient times, scientists have debated the true nature of light. Despite the progress we've made, there are still mysteries…

8 years ago

What Is The Electron Cloud Model?

The Electron Cloud Model was of the greatest contributions of the 20th century, leading to a revolution in physics and…

8 years ago

Who was Albert Einstein?

At the end of the millennium, Physics World magazine conducted a poll where they asked 100 of the world's leading…

9 years ago

How We’ve ‘Morphed’ From “Starry Night” to Planck’s View of the BICEP2 Field

From the vantage point of a window in an insane asylum, Vincent van Gogh painted one of the most noted…

9 years ago

Ancient Impacts Stained Vesta with Carbon-Rich Material

Composite-color 3D image of Cornelia crater on Vesta (NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA) Ever since arriving at Vesta in July 2011, NASA's Dawn spacecraft…

12 years ago

How Plasma Technology From Space Will Save Our Lives

[/caption] It might sound obvious to anyone who's ever played a video game in the past thirty years, but plasma…

12 years ago

How Did Comet Lovejoy Survive Its Trip Around The Sun?

[/caption] It was just about three months ago that the astronomy world watched in awe as the recently-discovered comet Lovejoy…

12 years ago

X-rays Reveal a Stellar-Mass Black Hole in Andromeda

[/caption] An ultraluminous x-ray source (ULX) previously spotted in the neighboring Andromeda galaxy by NASA's Chandra observatory has now been revealed…

12 years ago

First Look at a Black Hole’s Feast

A true heart of darkness lies at the center of our galaxy: Sagittarius A* (pronounced "A-star") is a supermassive black…

13 years ago