
Water On The Moon Was Blown in by Solar Wind

When they first set foot on the Moon, the Apollo 11 astronauts painted a picture of the landscape as a…

10 years ago

Titan’s Majestic Mirror-Like Lakes Will Come Under Cassini’s Scrutiny This Week

There's a very early-stage NASA concept to take a submarine and dive into a lake of Titan, that moon of…

10 years ago

Zap! Saturn Moon’s Electron Beam Beaned Cassini Spacecraft From Charged Surface

Ever taken a balloon and rubbed it against your hair? That's an example of electrostatic charging, which you see as…

10 years ago

‘Death Star’ Ocean? Seven Moons That Could Host Huge Hidden Liquid Reservoirs

Could there be an ocean hidden somewhere in that Death Star-like picture? This is an image of Mimas, a moon…

10 years ago

Titan’s Disappearing “Magic Island” Reappears in New Images

Earlier this year, we reported on a mysterious “ghost” object that had suddenly appeared and then disappeared on Saturn’s largest…

10 years ago

Saturn-Circling Cassini Spacecraft Plumbs Titan’s Seas Next Week

Is the surf up yet on Titan? As the moon of Saturn moves towards northern summer, scientists are trying to…

10 years ago

NASA Curiosity Rover Missing ‘Scientific Focus And Detail’ In Mars Mission: Review

NASA's planetary senior review panel harshly criticized the scientific return of the Curiosity rover in a report released yesterday (Sept.…

10 years ago

The Rains Of Titan Change When They Hit Underground Reservoirs: Study

Titan -- that moon of Saturn that has what some scientists consider precursors to elements for life -- is a…

10 years ago

Surf Saturn’s Rings In Amazing Raw Cassini Images From This Week

When Saturn is at its closest to Earth, it's three-quarters of a billion miles away -- or more than a…

10 years ago

Need A Summer Vacation? Pictures Allow You To Tour The Solar System For Free

Many of us in the northern hemisphere are on summer vacation right now, and others are dreaming of it. While…

10 years ago