Solar System

Clay Deposits Don’t Prove Existence of Ancient Martian Lakes

HiRISE image of branching features in the floor of Antoniadi Crater thought to contain clay material. (NASA/JPL/University of Arizona) In…

12 years ago

Is Triton Hiding an Underground Ocean?

Voyager 2 mosaic of Neptune's largest moon, Triton (NASA) At 1,680 miles (2,700 km) across, the frigid and wrinkled Triton is Neptune’s…

12 years ago

What Has the Kuiper Belt Taught Us About The Solar System?

Over 4 billion miles (6.7 billion km) from the Sun, the Kuiper Belt is a vast zone of frozen worlds…

12 years ago

Winds of Change at the Edge of the Solar System

As the venerable Voyager 1 spacecraft hurtles ever outward, breaking through the very borders of our solar system at staggering…

12 years ago

Beneath the Mask, Titan looks Surprisingly Smooth and Youthful

Caption: Images from the Cassini mission show methane river networks draining into lakes in Titan's north polar region. Credit: NASA/JPL/USG…

12 years ago

Why Doesn’t Earth Have More Water?

Water, water everywhere... Coleridge's shipbound ancient mariners were plagued by a lack of water while surrounded by a sea of…

12 years ago

Fifth Moon Found Around Pluto

This just in! Astronomers working with the Hubble Space Telescope have spotted a new moon around distant Pluto, bringing the…

12 years ago

The Return of the Rings!

Now that Cassini has gone off on a new trajectory taking it above and below the equatorial plane of Saturn,…

12 years ago

An Epic Crater Called Odysseus

On June 28 NASA's Cassini spacecraft passed by Tethys, a 1,062-kilometer (662-mile) -wide moon of Saturn that's made almost entirely…

12 years ago

Titan’s Tides Suggest a Subsurface Sea

Saturn's hazy Titan is now on the short list of moons that likely harbor a subsurface ocean of water, based…

12 years ago