
New Startup Quantum Space is Planning to Build a Robotic Outpost Near the Moon

The Moon is sure to be a hotspot of economic activity as human commercial endeavors start to expand into space. …

2 years ago

Cool Photo of Canadarm2 With its Dextre Hand. Oh and the Earth. That’s Nice Too.

Check out this image of the Canadian Space Agency's (CSA) Canadarm2 on the International Space Station. The CSA's Dextre is…

5 years ago

Shape-shifting Robots Like These Could Be Just What We Need to Explore Titan

When it comes to space exploration, it's robots that do most of the work. That trend will continue as we…

5 years ago

NASA is Building Robots That Can Climb Rock and Ice Cliffs

Engineers at NASA JPL are busy developing next-generation robotic missions that will allow astronauts to explore harder-to-reach places in the…

5 years ago

Astronaut Scott Tingle Was Able To Control A Ground-Based Robot… From Space.

The ESA is working on artificially intelligent robots that could be controlled from a distance by astronauts. The pair could…

6 years ago

MIT Claims they are Programming Humanoid Robots to help Explore Mars. But we all Know It’s Cylons!

MIT and other institutions are programming NASA's R5 robot to help astronauts explore Mars and other worlds beyond!

8 years ago

Helicopter Drones on Mars

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory recently announced that it is developing a small drone helicopter to scout the way for future…

9 years ago

By Boots or Bots? How Shall We Explore?

With robotic spacecraft, we have explored, discovered and expanded our understanding of the Solar System and the Universe at large.…

10 years ago

Turn on Your Heart Light and Meet NASA’s “Superhero” Robot

Here's a new DARPA-inspired, NASA-built robot, complete with a glowing NASA Meatball in its chest, reminiscent of ET's heart light.…

11 years ago

This Video of a Cyborg Quadriped Will Have You Gasping in Terror

This is both wonderful and terrifying. A DARPA-funded four-legged robot named WildCat is being developed by a company called Boston…

11 years ago