
Burrowing Mole-Bot Could Characterize Other Planet’s Soil

Burrowing under soil opens up a whole new world, especially when that soil is on other planets. Getting under the…

6 days ago

A Screw-Driven Robot Could Autonomously Mine Rocky Worlds

Navigating the harsh terrain of other rocky worlds has consistently been challenging. The Free Spirit campaign unfortunately failed in its…

3 months ago

A Space Walking Robot Could Build a Giant Telescope in Space

The Hubble Space Telescope was carried to space inside the space shuttle Discovery and then released into low-Earth orbit. The…

3 months ago

Shape-Shifting Robots Mimic Muscle Movements

Researchers have developed a set of hexagon-shaped robotic components that can be snapped together into larger and larger structures. Each…

5 months ago

A Swarm of Robots to Explore Mars’ Valles Marineris

Mars is known for its unique geological features. Olympus Mons is a massive shield volcano 2.5 times taller than Mt.…

5 months ago

Having Trouble Traversing the Sands of Mars? A Lizard Robot Might Help

Mars exploration vehicles typically have wheels, allowing them to traverse some challenging terrain on the Red Planet. However, eventually, their…

7 months ago

Lunar Infrastructure Could Be Protected By Autonomously Building A Rock Wall

Lunar exploration equipment at any future lunar base is in danger from debris blasted toward it by subsequent lunar landers.…

7 months ago

Could We Replace Ingenuity With a Swarm of Robotic Bees?

Humans finally achieved controlled flight on another planet for the first time just a few years ago. Ingenuity, the helicopter…

7 months ago

Robotic Rover Could Support Astronauts on Moonwalks

Robotic companions are a mainstay of sci-fi series everywhere. From R2D2 to Johnny 5, these characters typically have a supporting…

7 months ago

A Single Robot Could Provide a Mission To Mars With Enough Water and Oxygen

Utilizing regolith on the Moon or Mars, especially to refill propellant for rockets to get back off the surface, is…

8 months ago