Opportunity Surpasses 30 KM Driving and Snaps Skylab Crater in 3 D

[/caption] With her most recent drive of 482 feet (146.8 meters) on June 1, 2011 (Sol 2614), NASA’s Opportunity Mars…

13 years ago

Era of Space Shuttle Endeavour Ends with June 1 landing at the Kennedy Space Center

[/caption] KENNEDY SPACE CENTER - Space Shuttle Endeavour and her six man crew landed safely today at the Kennedy Space…

13 years ago

Bringing the Solar System Down to Earth

As a part of NASA's ongoing Year of the Solar System – which is actually a single Martian year long, or…

13 years ago

Atlantis Goes Vertical for the Last Time

[/caption] KENNEDY SPACE CENTER – For the last time in history, Atlantis and the shuttle program have literally gone vertical.…

13 years ago

Amazing Photos and Milestone Tributes Mark Last Space Shuttle Spacewalk

[/caption] Absolutely remarkable exterior panoramic photos of the ISS and tributes by Shuttle Astronauts marked two major milestones in spaceflight…

13 years ago

NASA Selects OSIRIS-REx as first US Asteroid Sampling Mission

[/caption] NASA officials announced the selection of OSIRIS-Rex as the next US robotic planetary science mission and which will pave…

13 years ago

Awesome Hi Def Launch Videos from Endeavour As the shuttle era frenetically draws to a close, the launch views of the thunderous climb to orbit captured…

13 years ago

Infographic: How the New Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle Stacks Up

Thanks to and the Tech Media Network for sharing this great graphic showing NASA's "new" MPCV and how it…

13 years ago

“I believe this nation should commit itself…” Kennedy’s Moon Shot Speech to Congress

50 years ago today, US President John F. Kennedy addressed a joint session of Congress to ask for support for…

13 years ago

NASA’s Next Crew Vehicle Will be Based on Orion

[/caption] NASA has made a decision on their next crew vehicle, and now have plans to develop a “new” spacecraft…

13 years ago