
High-Flying Balloon Dispute Follows ‘World View’ Announcement

The newly announced World View balloon flight concept shares a number of "striking" similarities to an older proposal for 'near-space…

11 years ago

Russia’s Soyuz Spacecraft: 46 Years and Still Soaring High

In just a couple of days a Soyuz rocket will lift off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, carrying NASA astronaut Tom Marshburn,…

12 years ago

‘Jetman’ Flies Again

Wondering where your jetpack is? This guy built his own. Known as Jetman or Fusionman, former fighter pilot Yves Rossy…

12 years ago

NASA’s Airborne Observatory Targets Newborn Stars

[/caption] (DING!) "The captain has turned off the safety lights – you are now free to explore the infrared Universe."…

13 years ago

New Plans for ESA’s Experimental Re-entry Vehicle

[/caption] ESA and Arianespace have signed a contract planning the launch of ESA’s new IXV (Intermediate eXperimental Vehicle) on Europe’s…

13 years ago