
Here’s Where China’s Sample Return Mission is Headed

Humanity got its first look at the other side of the Moon in 1959 when the USSR's Luna 3 probe…

3 months ago

China's Relay Satellite is in Lunar Orbit

On March 20th, China's Queqiao-2 ("Magpie Bridge-2") satellite launched from the Wenchang Space Launch Site LC-2 on the island of…

4 months ago

China’s Next Lunar Relay Satellite Blasts Off

Communication between spacecraft relies upon line of site technology, if anything is in the way, communication isn’t possible. Exploration of…

4 months ago

China Has Built a Huge Space Simulation Chamber

Well it certainly caught my attention when I saw the headlines  “China’s first Space Environment Simulator” sounds like something right…

5 months ago

Questions Remain on Chinese Rocket That Created an Unusual Double Crater on the Moon

In November, we reported how an impact on the Moon from a Chinese Long March rocket booster created an unusual…

7 months ago

There are Mysterious Polygons Beneath the Surface of Mars

China's Zhurong rover was equipped with a ground-penetrating radar system, allowing it to peer beneath Mars's surface. Researchers have announced…

8 months ago

China’s Space Station, Seen from Orbit

When the Space Age dawned in 1957, there were only two players: the USA and the USSR. The USA won…

8 months ago

A Chinese Booster (and Additional Secret Payload) Caused a Double Crater on the Moon

Last year, astronomers warned that a large piece of debris was on a collision course with the Moon. Initially, they…

8 months ago

A Robotic Chemist Could Whip up the Perfect Batch of Oxygen on Mars

Humans on Mars will need oxygen, and Mars' atmosphere is pretty anemic when it comes to the life-sustaining element. NASA's…

8 months ago

Plants Could Grow in Lunar Regolith Using Bacteria

A team of Chinese researchers has shown how fertility can be boosted for plants grown in lunar soil.

8 months ago