
Planets Without Plate Tectonics Could Still Be Habitable

It has been thought that the existence of plate tectonics has been a significant factor in the shaping of our…

4 weeks ago

Volcanic Plumes Rise Above Lava Lakes on Io in this Juno Image

As the most volcanic object in the Solar System, Jupiter's moon Io attracts a lot of attention. NASA's Juno spacecraft…

7 months ago

Mars is Surprisingly Volcanically Active

Like many that grew up watching the skies, I have been captivated by the planets. Mars is no exception, with…

1 year ago

Potentially Active Volcanoes Have Been Found on Venus

Using archival radar images taken in the 1990s by NASA’s Magellan spacecraft, scientists have found evidence of recent active volcanism…

2 years ago

The Moon’s Ancient Volcanoes Could Have Created Ice Sheets Dozens of Meters Thick

Everyone loves looking at the Moon, especially through a telescope. To see those dark and light patches scattered across its…

3 years ago

Volcanism on the Moon Ended About 2 Billion Years ago

An international team examined lunar rocks brought back by the Chang'e-5 mission, and determined that volcanism ended on the Moon…

3 years ago

Volcanic Activity on Venus Could Explain Phosphine

Ever since the announcement last September that astronomers found evidence of phosphine in the clouds of Venus, the planet has…

4 years ago

There Might be Volcanoes at the Bottom of Europa’s sub-ice Oceans

In about three years, NASA plans to launch a robotic orbiter that will study Jupiter's mysterious moon Europa. It's called…

4 years ago

The Most Recent Volcanic Activity on the Moon? Just 100 Million Years ago

Regions of the Moon known as irregular mare patches - formed by magma cooling from a volcanic eruption - have…

4 years ago

A Crater on Venus Indicates the Planet Hasn’t Been Volcanic for a Long Time

Venus may not have had Earth-like tectonic plates or volcanism for the last billion years, according to a new study.…

4 years ago