
Lava Tubes on the Moon and Mars are Really, Really Big. Big Enough to Fit an Entire Planetary Base

Could lava tubes on the Moon and Mars play a role in establishing a human presence on those worlds? Possibly,…

5 years ago

The Surprising Possibility That There are Still Active Volcanoes on Venus

According to new research by a team from the LPI, it appears likely that Venus could indeed have active volcanoes…

5 years ago

What is the Difference Between Active and Dormant Volcanoes?

Whether a volcano is active or dormant is complicated, as these geological features can have very long lifespans that go…

8 years ago

What is the Earth’s Mantle Made Of?

Like all the other terrestrial planets, (Mercury, Venus, and Mars) the Earth is made up of many layers. This is…

9 years ago

Warm, Flowing Water on Mars Was Episodic, Study Suggests

Though the surface of Mars is a dry, dessicated and bitterly coldĀ place today, it is strongly believed that the planetĀ once…

10 years ago

Mercury Had Quite The Explosive Past, Spacecraft Analysis Shows

Mercury -- a planet once thought to have no volcanism at all -- likely had a very active past, a…

11 years ago

MESSENGER Sees a Smoother Side of Mercury

During its two years in orbit around Mercury -- as well as several more years performing flybys -- the MESSENGER…

12 years ago

Volcanoes on Venus May Still Be Active

Recent infrared data from an instrument on the Venus Express spacecraft indicate there could be active volcanism on Venus. "We…

15 years ago

Mantle Plume

[/caption] One of the mysteries of Earth science is hotspots. While most volcanoes are found at plate boundaries, where two…

15 years ago

Barcena Volcano

[/caption] Barcena is a volcano located on the island of San Benedicto, the third largest island of the Revillagigedo Islands.…

16 years ago