Juno Mission

Volcanic Plumes Rise Above Lava Lakes on Io in this Juno Image

As the most volcanic object in the Solar System, Jupiter's moon Io attracts a lot of attention. NASA's Juno spacecraft…

4 weeks ago

Juno Reveals a Giant Lava Lake on Io

NASA's Juno spacecraft came within 1,500 km (930 miles) of the surface of Jupiter’s moon Io in two recent flybys.…

3 months ago

NASA’s Juno Probe Makes Another Close Flyby of Io

The Juno spacecraft has revealed some fascinating things about Jupiter since it began exploring the system on July 4th, 2016.…

6 months ago

Juno Makes its Closest Flyby of Io

NASA's Juno spacecraft has been getting closer and closer to Jupiter's volcanic moon Io with each recent orbit. Juno is…

7 months ago

Juno Spots Salts and Organic Molecules on Ganymede’s Surface

During its last flyby of Ganymede, the Juno probe reported finding traces of mineral salts and organic molecules on its…

9 months ago

Io has 266 Active Volcanic Hotspots Linked by a Global Magma Ocean

Jupiter's Io stands apart from the Solar System's other moons, with its numerous volcanoes and its surface dominated by lava…

9 months ago

Juno Completes its Closest Flyby of Io Yet

Jupiter's ocean moons capture most of our attention because of their potential habitability. But Io, Jupiter's bad-boy volcanic moon, is…

9 months ago

Exploring Io’s Volcanic Activity via Hubble and Webb Telescopes

The two most powerful space telescopes ever built, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and Hubble Space Telescope, are about…

11 months ago

Juno Shares Stunning New Images of Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon Io

The Juno made its closest pass to Io, Jupiter's volcanic moon, and snapped some stunning images of an eruption on…

12 months ago

Jupiter’s “Stripes” Change Color. Now We Might Know Why

While Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is one of the most well-known spectacles in the solar system, Jupiter’s clouds and stripes…

1 year ago