
If a Planet Has a Lot of Methane in its Atmosphere, Life is the Most Likely Cause

The ultra-powerful James Webb Space Telescope will launch soon. Once it's deployed, and in position at the Earth-Sun Lagrange Point…

4 years ago

What Cracked the Earth’s Outer Shell and Started its Plate Tectonics?

Earth's lithosphere is made up of seven large tectonic plates and a number of smaller ones. The theory of plate…

4 years ago

How Do Volcanoes Erupt?

Volcanic eruptions are driven by a combination of mechanisms, which include pressure and heat in the Earth's mantle, as well…

8 years ago

What is the Difference Between Lava and Magma?

The difference between lava and magma, which is rather important when it comes to volcanic activity and geology, is just…

8 years ago

10 Interesting Facts About Volcanoes

Want some volcano facts? Here are 10 interesting facts about volcanoes. Some of these facts you'll know, and others may…

9 years ago

Could There Be Life In Them Thar Pits?

[/caption] Recent images from ESA's Mars Express spacecraft reveal long rows of crater-like depressions lining the flanks of ancient Martian…

12 years ago

A Peek at a Pitch-Black Pit

[/caption] MESSENGER captured this high-resolution image of an elongated pit crater within the floor of the 355-km (220-mile) -wide crater…

12 years ago

Water, Water Everywhere… Lunar Samples Show More Water Than Previously Thought

[/caption] A team of NASA-funded researchers led by Carnegie Institution's Erik Hauri has recently announced the discovery of more water…

13 years ago