Gemini Observatory

Early Black Holes Fed 40x Faster than Should Be Possible

The theory goes that black holes accrete material, often from nearby stars. However the theory also suggests there is a…

3 months ago

Hubble Sees a Mysterious Flash in Between Galaxies

Hubble and other observatories worldwide have witnessed a Luminous Fast Blue Optical event between two galaxies.

1 year ago

A Distant Galaxy Ate All of its Friends. Now It’s All Alone

An international team of astronomers discovered a "fossil galaxy" that consume its neighbors, the farthest observed to date!

2 years ago

Watch This 12-Year Timelapse of Exoplanets Orbiting Their Star

Back in 2008, astronomers made a big announcement: for the first time, they had taken pictures of a multi-planet solar…

2 years ago

Astronomers Just saw the Most Powerful Gamma-ray Burst Ever Recorded

In a series of studies, two teams of astronomers shared their data on the closest and most powerful gamma ray…

2 years ago

Incredible Image Shows Twin Stellar Jets Blasting Out of a Star-Forming Region

Young stars go through a lot as they're being born. They sometimes emit jets of ionized gas called MHOs—Molecular Hydrogen…

3 years ago

Comet NEOWISE Was Spiraling and Spinning as it Passed by Earth

Earlier this week, we shared an image of Comet NEOWISE (C/2020 F3) taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. And now,…

4 years ago

Spacecraft and Ground Telescopes Work Together to Give us Stunning New Pictures of Jupiter

It's difficult to imagine the magnitude of storms on Jupiter. The gas giant's most visible atmospheric feature, the Great Red…

5 years ago

Here’s a New Planetary Nebula for Your Collection: CVMP 1

Some stars die a beautiful death, ejecting their outer layers of gas into space, then lighting it all up with…

5 years ago

A Picture of Earth’s New Temporary Moon

With the excitement and interest in the newly discovered ‘mini-moon’ found orbiting Earth, astronomers quickly set their sights on trying…

5 years ago