
Hubble Shows Young Stars Shaping Their Surroundings in the Orion Nebula

Orion the Hunter, resplendent in the northern hemisphere's night sky in winter, is more than an easily identified constellation. It's…

3 weeks ago

The Webb Shows Us Where Cosmic Dust Comes From

Carbon-rich cosmic dust comes from different sources and spreads out into space, where it's necessary for life and for the…

4 weeks ago

Webb Sees a Supercluster of Galaxies Coming Together

As a species, we've come to the awareness that we're a minuscule part of a vast Universe defined by galaxy…

2 months ago

Space Stations Get Pretty Moldy. How Can We Prevent it?

Ask any property inspector, and they'll tell you one of the maxims of their profession - where there's moisture, there's…

5 months ago

The JWST Reveals the Nature of Dust Around an Active Galactic Nuclei

Supermassive Black Holes (SMBHs) are located in the centers of large galaxies like ours. When they're actively feeding, they produce…

6 months ago

A New View of Olympus Mons

After 100,000 orbits and almost 23 years on Mars, NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter has seen a lot. The spacecraft was…

7 months ago

Astronomers Propose a 14-Meter Infrared Space Telescope

The Universe wants us to understand its origins. Every second of every day, it sends us a multitude of signals,…

9 months ago

How We Get Planets from Clumping Dust

Our gleaming Earth, brimming with liquid water and swarming with life, began as all rocky planets do: dust. Somehow, mere…

12 months ago

This Galaxy Hosted One of the Most Powerful Supernovae Ever Seen

In 2010, an exceptionally luminous supernova exploded in a small galaxy about 150 million light-years away called UGC 5189A. The…

1 year ago

Webb and Hubble Work Together to Reveal This Spectacular Galaxy Pair — and Several Bonuses!

What’s better than a pair of galaxies observed by a pair of iconic space telescopes? The answer to that, according…

2 years ago