
One Step Closer to Solving the Mystery of Mars’ Lost Water

Few scientists doubt that Mars was once warm and wet. The evidence for a warm, watery past keeps accumulating, and…

2 months ago

Water’s Epic Journey to Earth Began Before the Sun Formed

The origins of Earth's water is a complicated mystery that scientists have been untangling for decades. Life is impossible without…

2 years ago

Earth’s Water is 4.5 Billion Years Old

The origin of Earth's water has been an enduring mystery. There are different hypotheses and theories explaining how the water…

2 years ago

Water was Already Here Before the Earth Formed

Where did Earth's water come from? That's one of the most compelling questions in the ongoing effort to understand life's…

3 years ago

Chinese Fusion Test Reportedly Reaches New Milestone

Researchers at the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak facility in Hefei, China, claim that they have reached a major milestone in…

9 years ago

Mars Loses an Ocean But Gains the Potential for Life

It's hard to believe it now looking at Mars' dusty, dessicated landscape that it once possessed a vast ocean. A…

10 years ago