Subaru Telescope

More Bodies Discovered in the Outer Solar System

The outer Solar System has been a treasure trove of discoveries in recent decades. Using ground-based telescopes, astronomers have identified…

5 months ago

This Ancient Galaxy Merger Will Produce a very Luminous Quasar

In the contemporary Universe, massive galaxies are plentiful. But the Universe wasn't always like this. Astronomers think that galaxies grew…

6 months ago

The Earliest Merging Quasars Ever Seen

Studying the history of science shows how often serendipity plays a role in some of the most important discoveries. Sometimes,…

8 months ago

Does the Milky Way Have Too Many Satellite Galaxies?

The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds are well known satellite galaxies of the Milky Way but there are more. It…

9 months ago

“Seeing” the Dark Matter Web That Surrounds the Coma Cluster

According to our predominant cosmological models, Dark Matter makes up the majority of mass in the Universe (roughly 85%). While…

1 year ago

Air Showers Ruin Astrophotos, but They Could be a New Method for Studying the Universe

New research from Japan has shown how cosmic ray air showers could be studied to learn more about the nature…

1 year ago

Strange Green Lines Above Hawaii was Probably a Chinese Satellite

Every once in a while, the stars (or, in this case, satellites) align, and keen observers can receive an unexpected…

2 years ago

Astronomers Detect the Faint Glow of Stars in Between Galaxies

Not all stars are members of galaxies. Some stars exist in the space between galaxies, though they didn't form there.…

2 years ago

Subaru Telescope can now Analyze 2,400 Galaxies Simultaneously

First light is an exciting time for astronomers and engineers who help bring new telescopes up to speed. One of…

2 years ago

A Planet has Been Found That Shifts In and Out of the Habitable Zone

A super-Earth planet has been found orbiting a red dwarf star, only 37 light-years from the Earth. Named Ross 508…

2 years ago