Subaru Telescope

Subaru Telescope Sees 1800 Supernovae

Japanese astronomers have captured images of an astonishing 1800 supernovae. 58 of these supernovae are the scientifically-important Type 1a supernovae…

5 years ago

Cosmic Void Contains Fewer Galaxies than Expected, which, Ironically, Makes it Harder for Light to get Through

Using the Subaru Telescope, a team of astronomers recently probed a 500 light-year region of the early Universe and found…

6 years ago

Galaxies Swell due to Explosive Action of New Stars

A new study by an international team of scientists has revealed that modern galaxy shapes may be the result of…

7 years ago

The Race To Image Exoplanets Heats Up!

Thanks to the deployment of the Kepler mission, thousands of extrasolar planet candidates have been discovered. Using a variety of…

7 years ago

Japanese 3D Galaxy Map Confirms Einstein Was One Smart Dude

Using the largest 3-D map of the Universe to date, an team of researchers has shown that Einstein's theory of…

8 years ago

Supermassive Black Holes In Distant Galaxies Are Mysteriously Aligned

Recent findings from a team of researchers in South Africa have shown that supermassive black holes in distance are all…

8 years ago

The Early Universe Was All About Galactic Hook Ups

According to new research by an international team of scientists, early galaxies were characterized by mergers (aka. "hookups")

8 years ago

Subaru Telescope Spots Galaxies From The Early Universe

It's an amazing thing, staring into deep space with the help of a high-powered telescope. In addition to being able…

9 years ago

Comet ISON Hosted A Rare Kind Of Nitrogen, Hinting At Reservoirs In Young Solar System

Comet ISON -- that bright comet last year that broke up around Thanksgiving weekend -- included two forms of nitrogen…

10 years ago

Greedy Galaxies Gobbled Gas, Stalling Star Formation Billions Of Years Ago

Like millionaires that burn through their cash too quickly, astronomers have found one factor behind why compact elliptical galaxies stopped…

10 years ago