TESS Finds its First Rogue Planet

Well over 5,000 planets have been found orbiting other star systems. One of the satellites hunting for them is TESS,…

3 months ago

Six Planets Found Orbiting an Extremely Young Star

The field of exoplanet study continues to grow by leaps and bounds. As of the penning of this article, 5,572…

6 months ago

A Planetary System With Six Sub-Neptunes Locked in Perfect Resonance

Researchers using TESS and Cheops data found a system with six sub-Neptune-sized planets, all orbiting in direct resonance with each…

8 months ago

Hubble Succeeds Where TESS Couldn’t: It Measured the Nearest Transiting Earth-Sized Planet

Twenty-two light-years away, a rocky world orbits a red dwarf. It's called LTT 1445Ac, and NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite…

8 months ago

TESS Finds a Planet That Takes 482 Days to Orbit, the Widest it’s Seen so Far

We're rapidly learning that our Solar System, so familiar to us all, does not represent normal. A couple of decades…

11 months ago

Astronomers Find an Earth-Sized World That May Be Carpeted in Volcanoes

Astronomers think they've found an extrasolar planet covered in volcanoes like Jupiter's moon Io, but this world is about the…

1 year ago

TESS Reaches Fifth Anniversary of Extraordinary Mission, but its Work is Far from Over

NASA’s TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) mission recently reached its fifth anniversary of service to humanity as it continues to…

1 year ago

TESS has Resumed Normal Operations

NASA has announced that TESS is back online and resumed normal operations!

2 years ago

Two New Rocky Planets Discovered Close to the Solar System

TESS has struck paydirt again. NASA's planet-hunting spacecraft has found two new super-Earths orbiting a star only 33 light-years away.…

2 years ago

TESS Finds Almost 100 Quadruple Star Systems

NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has found over 5000 candidate exoplanet candidates, and 197 confirmed exoplanets since its mission…

2 years ago