
SpaceX Awaits FAA Falcon 9 Launch License for 1st Pad 39A Blastoff on NASA ISS Cargo Flight

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL - With liftoff tentatively penciled in for mid-February, SpaceX still awaits FAA approval of a launch…

7 years ago

SpaceX Shuffles Falcon 9 Launch Schedule, NASA Gets 1st Launch from Historic KSC Pad 39A

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL - SpaceX announced Sunday (Jan. 29) a significant shuffle to the Falcon 9 launch schedule, saying…

7 years ago

NASA Premiers New Countdown Clock for Orion’s First Launch

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER - Just in the nick of time, NASA powered up its new countdown clock at the Press…

10 years ago

Iconic Kennedy Space Center Countdown Clock Retires

Iconic Kennedy Space Center Countdown Clock seen here retires NASA’s 135th and final shuttle mission takes flight on July 8,…

10 years ago

Photos: Readers Share Memories Of NASA’s Final Shuttle Launches

With the three-year anniversary this week of STS-135 -- the final launch of the program -- we invited readers of…

10 years ago