solar physics

Brrr. JWST Looks at the Coldest Brown Dwarf

What are the atmospheric compositions of cold brown dwarf stars? This is what a recent study published in The Astronomical…

5 months ago

Solar Physics: Why study it? What can it teach us about finding life beyond Earth?

Universe Today has investigated the importance of studying impact craters, planetary surfaces, exoplanets, and astrobiology, and what these disciplines can…

5 months ago

New Detailed Images of the Sun from the World’s Most Powerful Ground-Based Solar Telescope

Our Sun continues to demonstrate its awesome power in a breathtaking collection of recent images taken by the U.S. National…

1 year ago

40 Telescopes Watched the Sun as the Parker Solar Probe Made its Most Recent Flyby

Sometimes in space, even when you’re millions of kilometers from anything, you’re still being watched.  Or at least that’s the…

2 years ago

Parker Solar Probe Hurtles Past the Sun, Making its Closest Approach so far

We’ve covered plenty of the Parker Solar Probe’s exploits here at UT, but it keeps breaking new records almost every…

3 years ago

25 Years of Solar Cycles in One Incredible SOHO Mosaic

For a quarter of a century, the ESA-NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) has been essential in helping scientists understand…

4 years ago

They’re In! The First Images From ESA’s Solar Orbiter

While actually walking on the sun is still just a dream of Smash Mouth fans, humanity has gotten a little…

4 years ago

The heliosphere looks a lot weirder than we originally thought

Every second of every day, our sun spits out a stream of tiny high-energy particles, known as the solar wind.…

4 years ago

The Solar Heliospheric Observatory at 20

Flashback to 1995: Clinton was in the White House, Star Trek Voyager premiered, we all carried pagers in the pre-mobile…

9 years ago

Is the Sun More Active Than it Looks? An Innovative Method to Characterize the Solar Cycle

The Sun has provided no shortage of mysteries thus far during solar cycle #24. And perhaps the biggest news story…

11 years ago