
Gaze at New Pictures of the Sun from Solar Orbiter

74 million kilometres is a huge distance from which to observe something. But 74 million km isn't such a big…

3 months ago

The Aftermath of a Neutron Star Collision Resembles the Conditions in the Early Universe

Neutron stars are extraordinarily dense objects, the densest in the Universe. They pack a lot of matter into a small…

3 months ago

Want to Leave the Solar System? Here’s a Route to Take

The edge of the Solar System is defined by the heliosphere and its heliopause. The heliopause marks the region where…

11 months ago

The Sun Gets Meteor Showers Too, But They’re Very Different

The Sun dominates the Solar System in almost every way imaginable, yet much of its inner workings have been hidden…

1 year ago

Quasars Produce Giant Jets That Focus Like Lasers. Why They Focus is Still a Mystery, but it’s not Coming From the Galaxy Itself

New technologies bring new astronomical insights, which is especially satisfying when they help answer debates that have been ongoing for…

2 years ago

A Fast-Moving Star is Colliding With Interstellar gas, Creating a Spectacular bow Shock

A star speeding through gas and dust has much to teach us about interstellar dynamics.

3 years ago

The Milky Way is surrounded by a huge hot halo of gas

Our Milky Way galaxy isn't just a disk of stars and nebulae - it's surrounded by a cloud of hot,…

5 years ago

Astronomers Discovered a New Kind of Explosion That the Sun Can Do

Using data from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, a team of scientists have discovered a new type of solar phenomenon that…

5 years ago

How Far Away is Fusion? Unlocking the Power of the Sun

The Sun uses its enormous mass to crush hydrogen into fusion, releasing enormous energy. How long will it be until…

8 years ago

When Was the First Light in the Universe?

When was the first time that the Universe cooled down enough that light could finally move around?

8 years ago