
Alien Oceans May Conceal Signs of Life from Spacecraft

As the search for extraterrestrial life continues, scientists have identified the hidden oceans beneath icy moons as target locations for…

2 days ago

Icy Hot: Europa’s Frozen Crust Could Be Warmer Than We Thought

All the worlds may be ours except Europa but that only makes the ice-covered moon of Jupiter all the more intriguing. Beneath…

9 years ago

What Is a Tsunami?

For people living in oceanfront communities, the prospect of a tsunami is a frightening one. Much like earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes…

10 years ago

Hubble Discovers Water Plumes Erupting from Europa

It's been known since 2005 that Saturn's 300-mile-wide moon Enceladus has geysers spewing ice and dust out into orbit from…

11 years ago

Hydrogen Peroxide Could Feed Life on Europa

According to research by NASA astronomers using the next-generation optics of the 10-meter Keck II telescope, Jupiter's ice-encrusted moon Europa…

12 years ago

Enceladus’ Jets Reach All the Way to its Sea

Thanks to the Cassini mission we've known about the jets of icy brine spraying from the south pole of Saturn's…

12 years ago

An Enormous Arctic Spiral

Looking south across the southern tip of Greenland, this satellite image shows an enormous cloud vortex spiraling over the northern…

12 years ago

Titan’s Gravity Indicates a Thicker, Uneven Icy Crust

Color composite of Titan and Dione made from Cassini images acquired in May 2011. (NASA/JPL/SSI/J. Major) It's long been speculated…

12 years ago

Is Triton Hiding an Underground Ocean?

Voyager 2 mosaic of Neptune's largest moon, Triton (NASA) At 1,680 miles (2,700 km) across, the frigid and wrinkled Triton is Neptune’s…

12 years ago

Titan’s Tides Suggest a Subsurface Sea

Saturn's hazy Titan is now on the short list of moons that likely harbor a subsurface ocean of water, based…

13 years ago