It’s Official. No More Astronomy at Arecibo

Even though the National Science Foundation announced last year that it would not rebuild or replace the iconic Arecibo radio…

1 year ago

The Decadal Survey is out! What new Missions and Telescopes are in the Works?

It’s that time again.  Once every ten years, the American astronomy community joins forces through the auspices of the National…

3 years ago

Work Begins on Cleaning up Arecibo. The job Could Cost $50 Million

The collapse of Arecibo’s radio telescope was a devastating blow to the radio astronomy community.  On December 1st, the suspended…

4 years ago

A Steampunk Engine to Solve Your Satellite Woes!

NASA contractor Howe Industries just presented their design for a "steampunk" engine that could allow satellites to maneuver, without the…

4 years ago

Arecibo’s Damage is so Serious and Dangerous, They’re Just Going to Scrap the Observatory Entirely

In the wake of a second structural failure, the NSF has announced that the iconic Arecibo Observatory will be decommissioned…

4 years ago

A Broken Cable Smashed Part of the Arecibo Observatory

The iconic Arecibo Observatory recently suffered some damage when a support cable broke and created a large gash in the…

5 years ago

Dr. Avi Loeb Thinks the Government Should set its Sights on Big Ideas in Space Exploration

In honor of the 50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing, a Harvard Professor and former White House science advisor recommend…

6 years ago

Weekly Space Hangout – Dec. 19, 2014: Methane on Mars!

Host: Fraser Cain (@fcain) Guests: Morgan Rehnberg (cosmicchatter.org / @cosmic_chatter) Ramin Skibba (@raminskibba) Alessondra Springmann (@sondy) (more…)

10 years ago

Comet ISON Photo Contest Winners Rock the House!

Comet ISON's gone but positively not forgotten. The National Science Foundation today shared the results of their Comet ISON Photography…

11 years ago

Super Good at Collecting Data, Massive Science Balloon Breaks Records

Super-TIGER prepares for launch from Antarctica. NASA's Super-TIGER science balloon landed Friday at a frigid and remote base in Antarctica…

12 years ago