
The JWST Solves the Mystery of Ancient Light

The very early Universe was a dark place. It was packed with light-blocking hydrogen and not much else. Only when…

6 months ago

Seeing the Web Connecting Galaxies Across the Universe

One hundred years ago, we didn't know there was anything outside of our own galaxy, the Milky Way. Now we…

10 months ago

Once New Horizons was out Beyond Pluto, it Could Finally Measure the Brightness of the Milky Way

The New Horizons spacecraft has been speeding away from Earth since it launched in 2006. Scientists using the Alice UV…

3 years ago

Red-faced Pluto Full of Surprises

Hey, Mars, you've got company. Looks like there's a second "red planet" in the Solar System — Pluto. Color images…

9 years ago