
Fireworks Erupt From Newborn Star

Just in time for summer fireworks season, the Hubble science team has released an image of Herbig-Haro 110, a young…

12 years ago

Exoplanet’s Atmosphere Undergoes Dramatic Variations

Since its discovery in 2005, exoplanet HD 189733b has been one of the most-observed extra solar planets, due to its…

12 years ago

Hubble Captures ‘Fake’ Cosmic Collision

The image above looks like a classic example of a collision between two galaxies. However, Hubble scientists have determined, this…

12 years ago

A Sword of Stars

[/caption] Like the blade of a magical weapon from a fantasy tale, the northern edge of spiral galaxy NGC 891…

12 years ago

Will This Be The Fate Of The Earth?

[/caption] Astronomers have found four nearby white dwarf stars surrounded by disks of material that could be the remains of…

12 years ago

Hubble Reveals Curious Auroras on Uranus

[/caption] Astronomers have finally succeeded in capturing the first Earth-based images of the curious and fleeting auroras of Uranus using…

12 years ago

A Galaxy’s Bulge Divulges Its Spin

[/caption] Although somewhat blobby and deformed, this is in fact a spiral galaxy, located in the southern constellation Hydra. Imaged…

12 years ago

Hubble Gets Best Look Yet At Messier 9

[/caption] First discovered by Charles Messier in 1764, the globular cluster Messier 9 is a vast swarm of ancient stars…

12 years ago

Hubble Captures a Classic Barred Spiral Galaxy

[/caption] Is this what we look like? Astronomers don't know for sure exactly what the Milky Way looks like, but…

12 years ago

New Research Suggests Fomalhaut b May Not Be a Planet After All

[/caption] When the Hubble Space Telescope photographed the apparent exoplanet Fomalhaut b in 2008, it was regarded as the first…

12 years ago