Chris Hadfield

Chris Hadfield Drives in the Desert With a new Lunar Rover Prototype

As the Apollo astronauts found out, mobility is everything. Apollo’s Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) – sometimes called the Lunar Rover…

3 years ago

Richard Branson and Friends Reach the Edge of Space, and Lived to Tell About it!

Richard Branson just returned form the edge of space to announce that a new era of space exploration is upon…

4 years ago

Cool Photo of Canadarm2 With its Dextre Hand. Oh and the Earth. That’s Nice Too.

Check out this image of the Canadian Space Agency's (CSA) Canadarm2 on the International Space Station. The CSA's Dextre is…

5 years ago

Settle the Moon Before Mars, Says Astronaut Chris Hadfield

In a recent interview, former astronaut and science communicator Chris Hadfield advocating settling the Moon before going to Mars.

7 years ago

Ride Shotgun Through the Solar System with Chris Hadfield

It sounds like a space nerd’s dream come true: riding in a Tesla with former astronaut Chris Hadfield, doing a…

8 years ago

Who Are The Most Famous Astronauts?

Since the beginning of the Space Age, men and woman from all over the world have become famous astronauts and…

10 years ago

Do Astronauts Drink their Pee?

In order to fly in space, astronauts need to make a few sacrifices, like drink their own urine. Yuck? Don't…

10 years ago

Space-y Charity: Some Ideas To Respond To Astronaut Hadfield’s Challenge

While the world was enchanted with Chris Hadfield's social media posts last year, a new video has the retired astronaut…

10 years ago

NASA SoundCloud Sounds Aim To Bring Music To The Final Frontier

Fancy having a shuttle launch play as your ringtone? NASA is trying to make that possible through offering several dozen…

10 years ago

Retired Astronaut Chris Hadfield Releases Stunning Space Photos

Orbiting 200 miles above the Earth, Retired Astronaut Chris Hadfield could easily photograph the ridges of the Himalayan Mountains, the…

10 years ago