chinese space program

China Names its Capsule and Lander for its Upcoming Human Lunar Missions

In a recent announcement, the Chinese Space Agency (CSA) unveiled the names for its forthcoming lunar mission components. The CSA…

5 months ago

Three New Astronauts Arrive at the Chinese Space Station, Including the Country's First Civilian

China's Shenzou-16 mission just delivered three taikonauts to the Tiangong space station, performing the most complicated docking maneuver ever attempted

1 year ago

China Launches Mengtian, the Last Major Module to its Space Station

China's Tiangong space station just received its final module, the Mengtian laboratory, making it complete,

2 years ago

China’s Chang’e-3 Moon Rover Descends to Lower Orbit Sets Up Historic Soft Landing

All systems appear to be “GO” for the world’s first attempt to soft land a space probe on the Moon…

11 years ago

Daring Russian Sample Return mission to Martian Moon Phobos aims for November Liftoff

[/caption] In just over 3 weeks' time, Russia plans to launch a bold mission to Mars whose objective, if successful…

13 years ago