Solar Astronomy

Parker Solar Probe Captured Images of Venus on its way to the Sun

Last summer, the Parker Solar Probe flew past Venus on its way to fly closer to the Sun. In a…

3 years ago

Solar Orbiter Caught Venus, Earth and Mars in One of its Photos

The Solar Orbiter spacecraft is heading towards the center of the Solar System, with the goal of capturing the closest…

3 years ago

Pictures are coming in from Solar Orbiter

One of the best things about astronomy is that it’s a never-ending supply of awesome visuals.  Almost every new mission…

3 years ago

A Sunspot Seen by the Most Powerful Solar Telescope in the World

A new image from the world’s largest solar observatory shows a spectacular, high resolution view of a gigantic sunspot. The…

3 years ago

25 Years of Solar Cycles in One Incredible SOHO Mosaic

For a quarter of a century, the ESA-NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) has been essential in helping scientists understand…

3 years ago

Venus Held Onto its Water Surprisingly Well During its History

A new study by a Swedish astrophysicist shows that Venus is not likely to have lost its water to space,…

3 years ago

Do Ripples on the Surface of the Sun tell us that a Flare is Coming?

Flares from the sun are some of the nastiest things in the solar system. When the sun flares, it belches…

4 years ago

A Sunspot, Revealed in Incredible Detail by Europe’s Newly Upgraded GREGOR Telescope

I wear glasses for astigmatism. But, as a stargazer with a visual impediment, turns out I’m in good company. The…

4 years ago

New Solar Model Successfully Predicted Seven of the Sun’s Last Nine Big Flares

Since it launched in 2010, the Solar Dynamics Observatory has helped scientists understand how the Sun's magnetic field is generated…

4 years ago

They’re In! The First Images From ESA’s Solar Orbiter

While actually walking on the sun is still just a dream of Smash Mouth fans, humanity has gotten a little…

4 years ago