
Ancient Pluto May Have Had Lakes And Rivers Of Nitrogen

New Horizons data shows that Pluto may once have had a warm enough climate for liquid nitrogen to form on…

8 years ago

New Horizons Team Releases First Papers On Pluto And Its Moons

The New Horizons team has released their first set of papers which they say will "completely transform our view of…

8 years ago

Eat Your Heart Out Pluto

The sublimation of methane ice into methane gas is leaving a bite-mark feature on the surface of Pluto.

8 years ago

Clouds Seen On Pluto For First Time

New images from NASA's New Horizons probe show possible clouds drifting lazily over Pluto's chill landscape.

8 years ago

Spotlight On Pluto’s Frozen Polar Canyons

We turn our gaze away from Pluto's "heart" to explore the ancient ice canyons of its north polar region.

8 years ago

Obama Administration Proposes Smaller 2017 NASA Budget of $19 Billion with Big Exploration Cuts

The Obama Administration has announced its new Federal budget and is proposing to cut NASA’s Fiscal Year 2017 Budget to…

8 years ago

Astronomers Find Theoretical Evidence for Distant Gas Giant Planet in Our Solar System

The astronomer known worldwide for vigorously promoting the demotion of Pluto from its decades long perch as the 9th Planet,…

8 years ago

“X” Marks the Spot of Convective Churning on Hot Pluto

“X” marks the spot that’s illustrative of “convective churning” resulting from subsurface planetary heating, as seen in a fascinating new…

8 years ago

Pluto Has Been Explored, Here Are The Stamps To Prove It

Pluto has been explored, and now the USPS has released new stamps to celebrate this accomplishment. And that's not all,…

8 years ago

Our Highest Resolution Views Yet of Pluto’s Surface

The New Horizons spacecraft has been slowly sending back all the images and data it gathered during its July flyby…

9 years ago