
A Thrift Store Find Yields an Astronomical Mystery

A good mystery is often where you find it. Photographer Meagan Abell recently made a discovery during a thrift store…

9 years ago

Spectacular Earth Timelapse Video: Christmas Gift from Alexander Gerst’s 2014 ISS Voyage Video Caption: Watch the Earth roll by through the perspective of German astronaut Alexander Gerst in this 4K six-minute…

10 years ago

Astrophoto: A ‘Mistakenly’ Beautiful View of the Crescent Moon and Leaning Tower of Pisa

A mistake led to this stunning image of the crescent Moon and the Tower of Pisa this week. Astrophotographer Giuseppe…

11 years ago

Pink Floyd and Coldplay Go to Space

Two great music videos published this week feature incredible imagery from space. Above, Pink Floyd released an 20th anniversary video…

11 years ago

Surprise! IBEX Finds No Bow ‘Shock’ Outside our Solar System

[/caption] For years, scientists have thought a bow "shock" formed ahead of our solar system’s heliosphere as it moved through…

13 years ago

Photo: The Space Station Turns on its Afterburners…Or Not?

[/caption] Astronaut Don Pettit posted this beautiful image on his Google+ page showing a view from the space station reminiscent…

13 years ago

News Across the Universe

Apologies for the lack of posts the past few days, but here's a round-up across the Universe (and the world…

15 years ago

Unique Telescope Facility Opens In Swiss Biosphere

In the easternmost part of Switzerland near the Italian border, lies a pristine area of land ranging from 1,400 to…

17 years ago

Astrosphere for April 15, 2008

Don't just look inward, look outward. There's a whole astrosphere out there. Your picture for the day is Saturn (of…

17 years ago

Astrosphere for February 19, 2008

It might not look like it, but this photograph is mind-bendingly cool. The bright streak is the path of the…

17 years ago