Nicholos Wethington

Rosetta Uncovers a Thick, Dusty Blanket on Lutetia

[/caption] If you think that asteroids are boring, unchanging rocks floating in space waiting only to crop up in bad…

14 years ago

5 Reasons to Attend Your Nearest Star Party

[/caption] If you've been wanting to get out to view the skies at night from your back yard - or…

14 years ago

NASA to Send a Probe Into the Sun

[/caption] NASA recently announced its choices for the experiments to fly aboard the Solar Probe Plus spacecraft, which is slated…

14 years ago

The Sun’s Conveyor Belt May Lengthen Solar Cycles

[/caption] The Sun seems to finally be waking up in earnest from the long slumber of the past cycle. Solar…

14 years ago

Telescope’s Laser Pointer Clarifies Blurry Skies

[/caption] While it's handy for us humans (and all of the other life on our planet for that matter), the…

14 years ago

Most Massive Star Discovered: Over 300 Suns at Birth!

[/caption] Often, writing about astronomy tends to mirror the job of those writing for the Guinness Book of World Records…

14 years ago

First Quasar Gravitational Lens Discovered (w/video)

[/caption] Gravitation lensing - a phenomenon that falls out of Einstein's theory of general relativity - has been observed numerous…

14 years ago

Andromeda’s Unstable Black Hole

[/caption] The Andromeda galaxy, the closest spiral galaxy to our own Milky Way, has a supermassive blackhole at the center…

14 years ago

Black Hole in M87 Wanders using Jetpack

[/caption] The elliptical galaxy M87 is known for a jet of radiation that is streaming from the supermassive black hole…

14 years ago

Newly-Discovered Stellar Nurseries in the Milky Way

[/caption] Our Milky Way churns out about seven new stars per year on average. More massive stars are formed in…

14 years ago